To the Family of South City Church
Sisters and Brothers, we all know that a decision on the possible indictment in the Michael Brown Case is due to be released very soon. I know that there is a growing sense of concern for what could happen in the Ferguson community and our own Shaw Neighborhood, whether or not there is an indictment. I am praying early and daily for peace and calm. I expect that a lack of indictment will bring more protests. But I ask the Lord every day to sovereignly govern ALL THINGS by His mighty power. I pray for our church family, for our neighborhood and for our sister churches and friends. I pray for those who protest as well as for those who do not. I pray for Officer Darren Wilson and his family, for St. Louis city and county PD and for their families. I pray for Michael Brown’s family and the families of all who mourn loved ones lost.
If people feel they must protest, I pray that they will be seen and heard; I also pray that they will have leaders in the group who refuse to allow peaceful protests to be marred by unnecessary criminal actions.
I pray that people will show love for each other, even people that oppose each other. I pray that people will keep watch over their comments, and their Facebook posts.
In times like this, I pull out my theme scripture from Philippians 1:27, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” Here is my conduct lately:
~ Rising up early to pray and read scriptures like Psalm 91. Soldiers love to read about God’s protection during times of concern, fear, and high anxiety…such as the city’s racial tension and our church heading towards a transition.
~ Meditating on the fact that I am not Jesus, but simply called by Him to love my neighbor; even when my neighbor may be hurt and angry about injustice, real or perceived.
~ Sitting still; just to see if I can do it. No phone, no email, no text. Not easy, but I am learning to not be afraid of “dead space” for sake of practicing complete dependance on God.
~ Repenting of my own fear and anger.
~ Listening (really listening, with love) to those who don’t agree with me, or those who openly oppose me—they are still my neighbor.
~ Re-visiting the fact that I am loved by Jesus, even when I blow it.
~ Wanting God’s truth to speak louder than my opinion; so I subject my opinion to his truth.
~ Remembering that I don’t have the right to presume that I’m right about everything.
South City Church, please know this; Whatever happens, Jesus happens more.