South City Church

Vision & Values

Vision Statement

South City Church seeks to be an uncommon family

united and empowered by the gospel

to engage and serve our city

for the glory of God.


Because of Jesus Christ, we have been made a family (1 John 3:1; Eph 2:14). We take seriously our calling to love and serve our brothers and sisters at SCC as our family in Christ (Gal 6:10). While we are very different people from different backgrounds, we are made one in Christ, and we rejoice and celebrate that as a church (Eph 2:11-22).


The Gospel of Jesus Christ is what unites us and empowers us to do everything we do. It is the power of God for salvation (Rom 1:16). We live for Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us (Gal 2:20). Whatever else we gain in the process, we consider it nothing compared to knowing and being known by Christ (Phil 3:7-11). In all that we do as a church, we work with all our heart, because we are working for the Lord (Col 3:23). We are united and love one another as a family, because he loved us first (1 John 4:19).


South City Church is located in the Shaw neighborhood of St. Louis. We are a church in the city, and have a heart to engage and serve the city God has placed us in. This is one area where we sense a need for growth as a church, and we are prayerfully seeking ways to serve our city in this next season of the life of SCC.


The glory of God is the goal of our existence as a church. We want all people to know, love and adore God for who he is. It’s our prayer that the world might see us and our love for one another and for our neighbors and give glory to our Father in heaven (Matt 5:16).


Ministry Values

Parish Ministry

We are committed to being a church in and for the South City area of St. Louis, with a particular focus on the “parish” of Shaw and surrounding neighborhoods. (Jer. 29:7; 1 Pt. 2:11)

Ordinary Ministry

We are committed to experiencing God’s grace through the ordinary means of His Word, the sacraments, prayer and fellowship. (Acts 2:42)

Equipping Ministry

We are committed to church growth through both the development of church leaders and the development of the spiritual gifts of the whole congregation. (Eph. 4:11-16)